Thursday, December 26, 2019

Demora de petición de ciudadano para sus padres

El tiempo de demora en la tramitacià ³n de esta solicitud puede variar desde apenas 6 meses, para los casos en los que no hay problemas migratorios,  a mà ¡s de 10 aà ±os. Incluso a veces es imposible. Solamente los  ciudadanos americanos mayores de 21 aà ±os  pueden pedir la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card para su padre y para su madre.   En este artà ­culo se explican las siguientes situaciones, que son las que dan lugar a estas cuatro  diferencias en el tiempo de tramitacià ³n: Padre o madre en Estados Unidos y que puede ajustar su estatusprogenitor en USA pero no puede ajustar estatuspadres fuera del paà ­s sin problemas de inadmisibilidad y padres en otro paà ­s con castigo pendiente. Tambià ©n se explica dà ³nde buscar la à ºltima informacià ³n sobre demoras en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y situaciones especiales como cuà ¡ndo un ciudadano jamà ¡s puede pedir a sus padres. Demora de peticià ³n de padre o madre en EEUU y que pueden ajustar su estatus En este caso, se envà ­a la peticià ³n que se realiza mediante la presentacià ³n del formulario I-130 con toda la documentacià ³n adicional. Al mismo tiempo, la I-485, para el ajuste de estatus. USCIS confirma que ha recibido los papeles del I-130 y el cobro de la tarifa mediante el envà ­o de la carta de aviso conocida como NOA1. En esa carta tambià ©n aparece el nà ºmero de caso. Cuando se solicita el ajuste de estatus se puede presentar tambià ©n la peticià ³n de permiso de trabajo y de advance parole que permite viajar fuera del paà ­s, si asà ­ se desea. Es fundamental que una vez que se  inician los trà ¡mites  no se salga de Estados Unidos sin ese permiso para viajar. Los tiempos de tramitacià ³n van a ser dos: primero el de aprobacià ³n del I-130, que es la peticià ³n, que va a depender del lugar de tramitacià ³n.y una vez que se obtiene el OK, se va a proceder  con la solicitud de ajuste de estatus. Es fundamental saber si se puede ajustar el estatus o no. Ahà ­ està ¡ la gran diferencia. Si se puede se està ¡ ante uno de los tipos de peticià ³n de green card mà ¡s rà ¡pidos. Si no se puede, es una pesadilla que puede demorarse aà ±os o, incluso, en la prà ¡ctica resultar imposible porque obliga a la separacià ³n de familias por muchos aà ±os. Antes de enviar los papeles asesorarse con un buen abogado. Demora de peticià ³n de padres en EEUU y que no pueden ajustar estatus Y es que si el papà ¡ o la mamà ¡ para el que se piden los papeles està ¡ ilegalmente en el paà ­s y llegà ³ cruzando ilegalmente la frontera, hay un problema grave ya que no se puede ajustar el estatus. En estos casos aunque se apruebe el I-130 se va a tener que salir del paà ­s para acabar el trà ¡mite. Esto incluye ir a una entrevista en una embajada o consulado de los Estados Unidos en otro paà ­s y aquà ­ va a surgir un problema por la presencia ilegal al aplicarse el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os.   Una vez que se sale de Estados Unidos y se tiene que cumplir ese castigo, en algunos casos se podrà ¡ pedir con à ©xito un perdà ³n. Lo que sà ­ es importante es entender que si se cruza de nuevo ilegalmente la frontera hacia Estados Unidos se va a tener el castigo de la prohibicià ³n permanente. Por lo tanto, si se està ¡ en uno de esos casos, antes de iniciar el proceso entender bien quà © puede ir mal, en particular, verificar si serà ­a posible pedir un perdà ³n provisional por presencia ilegal   en casos de dureza extrema y que se otorga antes de salir de Estados Unidos. Otra solucià ³n, en el caso de  los familiares indocumentados de ciudadanos americanos que sirven en el  Ejà ©rcito,  Guardia Nacional, Reserva o Veteranos, serà ­a verificar si se puede solicitar un  Parole in Place. Si la mamà ¡ o el papà ¡ està ¡n fuera de USA y no hay causa de inadmisiblidad En estos casos hay dos partes muy bien diferenciadas. Primero el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) tiene que aprobar la peticià ³n I-130. Y una vez que lo hace envà ­a los papeles al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). A partir de aquà ­ todavà ­a el proceso se va a demorar unos meses ya que hay que ir entregando al NVC documentacià ³n segà ºn la va pidiendo.   Ademà ¡s, hay que pasar el examen mà ©dico y, finalmente acudir a la entrevista en la Embajada o Consulado. En este punto, algunos son mà ¡s rà ¡pidos que otros, ya que depende del nà ºmero de aplicaciones que tengan y de la cantidad de cà ³nsules destinados en ese puesto. No vender propiedades ni dejar el trabajo hasta que se tiene la aprobacià ³n de la visa de inmigrante. Una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n, esto es, despuà ©s de la entrevista, se dispondrà ¡ de seis meses para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Una vez que se llega a un puerto de entrada migratorio (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) un oficial de Inmigracià ³n sella el pasaporte y ese sello equivale a una green card hasta que se recibe una tarjeta fà ­sica por correo. Padre o madre fuera de Estados Unidos y hay causa de inadmisibilidad La tarjeta de residencia se puede negar por mà ¡s de 40 razones. Es lo que se conoce como causas de inadmisibilidad. En estos casos hay un problema que en ocasiones se podrà ¡ solucionar dejando pasar el tiempo o pidiendo y obteniendo un perdà ³n y habrà ¡ casos en los que no serà ¡ posible, a pesar de tener un hijo ciudadano. En muchas ocasiones el problema viene ocasionado por estancia ilegal en Estados Unidos que provoca el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os  y/o deportacià ³n. En estos casos lo sensato es consultar con un abogado experto y sincero y analizar si se està ¡ en condiciones de solicitar con à ©xito un perdà ³n, que en algunos paà ­ses se conoce como permiso o waiver.  ¿Cà ³mo se miran los tiempos de procesamiento del USCIS? En esta pà ¡gina oficial se va hasta la parte inferior y se elige el centro de procesamiento que, segà ºn la carta que se recibià ³ del USCIS, es la encargada de decidir sobre el caso.   Elegir el Centro de Servicio correcto (Vermont, Texas, California o Nebraska) y hacer click. Se abre otra pà ¡gina y buscar el documento I-130, peticià ³n para pariente extranjero y buscar la opcià ³n adecuada: peticià ³n de un ciudadano de EE.UU para un cà ³nyuge, un padre o un nià ±o menor de 21 aà ±os. Y ahà ­ se ve el tiempo que se està ¡ demorando en tramitarse. En la actualidad està ¡ en torno a los cinco meses. Despuà ©s, si se ajusta el estatus, se procesa esa parte en otro centro (Oficina de Campo) y se verifica de igual manera cuà ¡nto se demora en esa misma pà ¡gina oficial. Recordar que el documento que hay que buscar es I-485 solicitud para registrar la residencia permanente o para ajustar el estado. Si, por el contrario, es un procedimiento consular, calcular entre otros cinco y siete meses, de media para finalizar el proceso. A dà ­a de hoy, aunque puede haber importantes diferencias segà ºn las oficinas de tramitacià ³n, el proceso de principio a fin deberà ­a tomar menos de un aà ±o. Entre los seis y los doce meses es una estimacià ³n razonable, que va a depender de los lugares de tramitacià ³n. A tener muy en cuenta en peticiones de ciudadanos para sus padres Ademà ¡s de tener 21 aà ±os, es necesario cumplir todos los demà ¡s requisitos para patrocinar, como por ejemplo, tener recursos econà ³micos suficientes. Asimismo, tener presente que en las peticiones del padre o de la madre no se puede incluir a los hermanos del solicitante. Por ejemplo, si un ciudadano pide a su mamà ¡, no puede aà ±adir en la misma planilla a un hijo de esa madre de ninguna edad. Para estas personas la solucià ³n es que el ciudadano realice otra peticià ³n para su hermano, que tarda mucho tiempo o que una vez que la mamà ¡ o el papà ¡ se conviertan en residentes, estos realicen una peticià ³n ese hijo/a. Y, finalmente, los ciudadanos americanos que obtuvieron originalmente sus papeles por medio del programa de Inmigrantes Especiales Juveniles no pueden jamà ¡s pedir los papeles para ninguno de sus padres.   Informacià ³n migratoria confiable Para resolver dudas e inquietudes lo mejor es estar informado directamente por el organismo oficial que lleva un asunto determinado. Para ello se ha recopilado esta lista de telà ©fonos y pà ¡ginas webs a los que acudir para resolver distintos problemas migratorios. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Coercive Control And The Domestic Violence Context

Coercive Control in the Domestic Violence Context: Academically, Domestic violence is â€Å"the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotional or psychological abuse. The frequency and severity of domestic violence varies dramatically.† However, in Washington State Domestic Violence includes a more limited definition. In Washington State Domestic Violence is defined as (a) Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, between family or household members; (b) sexual assault of one family or household member by another; or (c) stalking as defined in RCW 9A.46.110 of one family or household member by another family or household member. This statutory definition is similar to that of many states in that it omits the â€Å"systematic pa ttern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against the other† otherwise known as â€Å"coercive control.† The omission of this provision in the statutory language creates difficulty in obtaining domestic violence protection orders, when the victim cannot describe instances of physical violence, stalking, or sexual assault, yet lives in very real fear of their partner. In this literature review, I will analyze the phenomenon that is now known asShow MoreRelatedThe International Context Of Violence Against Women Essay1089 Words   |  5 Pagesforms, combinations and modes. This volume highlights various aspects of domestic violence, dowry, exploitation in various ways besides teen dating, sexual slavery, rape and various other aspects besides the role of police in curbing this evil as the pillars of administration. It highlights the plight of women world over in the light of various studies on violence against women. It farther underscores the various aspects of violence with a focus on various roles of women under different situations likeRead MorePrimary, Secondary, and Tertiary Nursing Care for Domestic Violence1427 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: Nursing Interventions to Combating Domestic Violence Domestic Violence: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Nursing Interventions Jason Holt, RN Grand Canyon University NRS429V Diana Anderson, RN, MSNEd, CMSRN August 27, 2010 Domestic Violence: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Nursing Interventions Approximately 2 million American women are assaulted each year at the hands of their intimate partner and an estimated 1,200 are murdered as a result of intimate partner abuse (BlackRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence3281 Words   |  14 Pagesappropriate definition of domestic violence is to clearly distinguish domestic violence from physical violence in general. Due to its nature, cases of domestic violence require specific treatment and perspective as it can be identified in many concealed forms and would not leave behind physical wounds. Therefore to know the types and forms of violence the victims have to face is crucial to develop a legal response. Walter (1969) gave a comprehensive definition of violence as â€Å"destructive harm includingRead MoreDomestic Violence and Children1640 Words   |  7 PagesDefinitions Domestic Violence Defined Citation: ARS: 13-3601 Domestic violence includes: • Any act that is a dangerous crime against children • Endangerment • Threatening or intimidating act • Assault • Custodial interference • Unlawful imprisonment or kidnaping • Criminal trespass • Harassment or stalking • Child or vulnerable adult abuse Persons Included in Definition: • A spouse or former spouse • Persons residing or having resided in the same household • Persons having a childRead MoreEssay on Moral Implications of the Battered Woman Syndrome3168 Words   |  13 Pages The Battered Woman Syndrome, like the Cycle Theory of Violence, helps to illuminate the situation of the person victimized by domestic violence. However, it may also contribute to the violence of the battering situation. In this paper, I explore some of the implications of the Battered Woman Syndrome for domestic violence cases wherein an abused woman kills her abuser. I begin by delineating some of the circumstances of a domestic violence situation. I then discuss the particular moral issue ofRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On The Health2966 Words   |  12 PagesWhat is Domestic Violence? Radford and Heister (2006:7) define domestic violence as the coercive control of an adult by an intimate partner, involving physical, sexual, emotional, psychological or financial abuse. Domestic violence against women is a global problem without geographic, religious, social, economic, cultural or national boundaries (Women’s Aid, 2005). According to Chitashvili et al (2010) violence against women is seen as a social problem with detrimental effects on the health andRead More Comparing Burgess and Drapers Theory of Family Violence and the Film, The Burning Bed2097 Words   |  9 PagesComparing Burgess and Drapers Theory of Family Violence and the Film, The Burning Bed    I.   Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Burgess and Draper argue coercive patterns of family interaction represent the principal causal pathway that connects ecological instability to violence within families.   They maintain this raises the possibility that some of the common correlates of such violence are themselves reactions to sudden or chronic ecological instability.   For example, alcoholism, depression, and anxietyRead MoreDependent Personality Disorder ( Dpd )1265 Words   |  6 Pagesdisorders exhibiting traits of anxiety and fearfulness. Criteria specifies that an individual demonstrates significant deviation in behavior and life experience according to a person’s cultural norms in at least two of the following areas: impulse control, interpersonal functioning, affectivity, and cognition. Moreover, the disturbance must originate from at least adolescence, exhibiting a prolonged history of consistent indicators across a variety of life circumstances. This pattern is not attributedRea d MoreCurrent Environment Of Domestic Violence2249 Words   |  9 Pagesoverview of the current environment of domestic violence and its impact to the children and will promote some special awareness to the children in the domestic violence and helping them to understand the risk factors of this violence and their responses when this violence occurs. This paper will also give an extent of an educational group who will provide necessary knowledge to the children who experience domestic violence, but did not clear the nature of this violence and identify their possible stepsRead MoreChildren as Witnesses of Domestic Violence 1598 Words   |  7 Pagespossess a very dark side (Sev’er, 2014, pp. 273). This dark side is the violence that occurs within the family, whether it be child abuse or domestic violence. Domestic violence is defined as violent or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner (Oxford Dictionary). Although there are instances where women are violent, Kimmel and Holler (2011) state â€Å"most family violence is perpetrated by males - husbands beating wives, fathers hitting children

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

More Than I Bargained For free essay sample

In the beginning all I wanted was a research opportunity with adequate pay. The job I received gave me so much more. My job became a way of life. Here are the things I must tell you for the sake of the conversation: I interned at Columbia Presbyterian School of Physicians and Surgeons in Dr. Connollys Neurovascular Laboratory. Daily I was surrounded by a friendly group of residents, medical students, college kids, and high school students who were for the most part interested with neurosurgery. My lab group consisted of Alexander Sisti, a junior at Columbia University, Josh Chalif, of Dartmouth, and Steven Smith, from Tufts. Our project involved isolating DNA samples from the saliva samples of subarachnoid hemorrhage patients in order to analyze the DNA for a polymorphism that caused vasospasms or the excessive, inexplainable constrictions of cranial blood vessels after a stroke. I spent most of my time running PCRs and looking up journal articles for the review article the residents were writing. We will write a custom essay sample on More Than I Bargained For or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the end, I got the data I was looking for in the form of DNA sequencing charts and databases my group compiled. But if my experience at Columbia was limited to that, I doubt that I would have much to remember. I learned more from the people around me than I would have anticipated. I learned that medical school isnt so hard (supposedly). I learned the difference between a CT scan and a MRI. I learned how to eat flaming cheese. The people in my lab were more than just â€Å"bright† people. They had hearts and lives. Bart, a recent medical school graduate, gave the interns daily lectures on neurology, and cracked jokes hourly. Josh was teaching himself how to play the guitar, while trying to publish a book his girlfriend wrote. Alex introduced me to the works of Friedrich Nietzsche. Karl, an intern from Stuyvesant High School, played badminton with me after work. I remember my internship for the people. I remember my internship for the food. Everyday all the high school students and college kids ate lunch on the town. Without my buddies, perhaps I would have never tapped into the variety of restaurants surrounding the hospital. There was Dallas BBQ with its gigantic hot wings and Symposium, a Greek restaurant where we ordered two helpings of flaming cheese. We went everywhere from Tastys Deli to Lucky Jade House to El Presidente. Once while we were eating outdoors at Coogans Bar and Restaurant, a resident walked by and asked what the occasion was, to which Josh, nonplussed, replied, â€Å"Lunch.† I remember that our group was unable to get sequencing results for days on end. We amplified the DNA. We purified the DNA. We performed a gel electrophoresis in the hopes of seeing bands of DNA in the gel only to find none. Then the sequencing charts would come back from the sequencing lab as an indecipherable mess of squiggles. I learned how to troubleshoot a PCR but more so I learned how to not give up, to keep innovating strategies until success is in reach. In the words of Steve, â€Å"When God gives you lemons, you find a new god.† Science was important on the job. Every Wednesday, the residents, Brad, Zach and Andrew, would pretend us interns were radiologists and test us on identifying brain structures and abnormalities in scans. Yet, social skills were equally important. At the lab party, Alex, himself the son of a neurosurgeon working at Columbia, introduced me to my boss, Dr. Connolly, and his wife. We went from talking about the restaurant (Boat Basin) to the appetizers (thin slices of raw tuna) to Mrs. Connollys alma mater (Yale). Although, I loved the neurosurgery aspect of my internship, I appreciated the social aspect, because it helped me grow. I felt cultured. I felt alive. Between talking about cranial nerves with Bart to discussing Ayn Rand and the Olympics with Alex, how could I not? I did so much this summer. I gained experience in a field I actually want to go into. I wrote poetry. I played computer games with my friends. I came, I worked, I ate. I felt loved and appreciated. When I left, it was hard to say goodbye. A paycheck doesnt cover all the memories I have, no, not by a long shot.

Monday, December 2, 2019

To What Extent Is There Conflict Between Academic free essay sample

The substantial dissolution been academic and popular historians is evident in a range Of sources, essentially from Michelle Arrows to Herodotus and Discusses to Bury. Inaccuracies continue to plague populist histories, and as such those within the academic field continue to rebut their rivals with these flaws. They argue that these, as Margaret Conrad states, producers of historical films intentionally integrate inaccuracies in order to entertain their audience, rather than inform. Contrasting this view, modern historian Michelle Arrows argues that academic historians ignore TV and their [our] own peril.This viewpoint conveys the necessity of establishing a balance been academic historians and popular historians to, as Margaret Conrad believes, generate a dialogue with the public. Academic historians argue they present history as it actually was (enlightened historian Von Ranker). This is substantiated with their argument that they exclusively present history with full accuracy. It is this disagreement that enforces the considerable tension between academic and popular historians. We will write a custom essay sample on To What Extent Is There Conflict Between Academic or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tension between academics and popular historians has been evident even ring the initial stages of history; between Herodotus and Discusses.Curtseys and Docked elucidate that Herodotus was part of the literary world, whilst Discusses was based on a rigorous scrutiny of sources. It is these two independent categories that fashion the meticulous argument to the extent to which history is fiction. Academic historians argue that their portrayal of history is accurate, and while the populist interpretation is not. Contrasting this argument, popular historians believe that while their interpretations may not convey history as completely factual, it is the only ay for history to survive for later generations.As British professor, Derek Matthews states, a inhale generation are losing interest in the subject. It is only through websites such as wisped and movies like Road to El-Dorado and Breather, that a contemporary audience can access, unintentionally, history. Other websites, such as ancestry. Com, appeal to the growing baby boomer generation who are, as Conrad state, interested in the history of their family. It is this division between the more inclusive history, and the less social history, that creates further separation between the academic and popular historians.The struggle between those who us port academics and those who favor populists, must also consider the mediums of communications they use. Academic historians utilities texts purely aimed at those who study the subjects. It is this reason that academics are slowly becoming less and less available to those who have, as European historian Nee states, the inner craving to learn about history. Contrasting this, as Conrad states produces of historical films, reach out to a wider audience. To which they able to effectively, as Conrad believes, communicate with their viewers.This ability to do so, allows popular historians to fulfill their duty of, as traditionalist Elton states, having his history read. For example, the National Museum of Australia, takes a post modern approach to portraying history. The museum believes in a pastiche and populist pathway, in which the history of all people is displayed. Its interactive viewpoint allows this museum to convey history in a way that would be more accessible to its audience. For example, patrons re given the opportunity to record their own history. However, academics, such as Keith Windcheater, assert that the AMA is a profound intellectual waste.He argues that although it displays accurate history, its purpose of entertaining its audience detracts from its value, thus creating waste. Although Windcheaters view may be extreme, it demonstrates the considerable extent to which the tension between academic and popular historians exist. As the hostility grows between both parties, historians must consider the factual disposition of their writings. Empiricist J. B. Bury stated that history is a science, nothing more, nothing less. The accurate connotations that science brings highlights the academics arguments.Although not completely a science, history integrates different forms of science, such as geology, in order to reach the objective truth (Evans). It is the assertion of history as a science to which academics believe their history is presented. To which, academics believe their rivals representation of history is inaccurate, and therefore invalid. Academic historians insistence to their own superiority may intend to their tension between popular historians. The dissolution evident between popular history and academic history is further strained by their position in society.Both academic and popular historians must consider their role with the community. As such, both have the commitment of interpreting history and portraying to their audience. Academic historians display history in a way that is considered outdated by many, and therefore disregarded. However, populists communicate their interpretations with a more dated view. Following, Michelle ArroWs argument, Astoria must disregard their differences and focus on their primary responsibility. Their role in society helps individuals to understand the nature of the society in which they live.By which, their message may become convoluted and confuse the, as Conrad states, general public. It is this primary aspect of their text that may dispel outside individuals from viewing their work, and therefore lessen those interested in history. This retrospective view may further emphasis the tension separating academic and popular historians. Although the divorce exists between popular history and academic historians, t is only through overlooking the flaws of both sides that they can ultimately achieve the main purpose of history: having his history read.